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Can i switch energy supplier?

In the UK, you have the ability to change energy suppliers at any time. This is known as "energy switching" and it's a simple process that can be done online or over the phone.

The first step in changing energy suppliers is to research different providers and compare their rates, plans, and customer service. This can be done through a comparison website, or using a service like us!

Once you've found a provider that you're interested in, you can then switch to them. The process of switching is usually handled by the new supplier, and they will take care of the transfer of your account from your current supplier. This usually takes around 21 days.

It's important to note that switching energy suppliers will not affect your energy supply or service in any way. The only change you will notice is the name on your bill and the amount you pay.

Additionally, you should be aware that if you're on a fixed-term contract with your current supplier, you may be charged an early termination fee if you switch before the contract expires.

In summary, changing energy suppliers in the UK is a simple process that can help you save money on your energy bills. You can compare different providers and their rates through comparison websites, and switch to a new supplier without interruption to your energy service. Just keep in mind that if you're on a fixed-term contract, you may be charged an early termination fee if you switch before the contract expires.

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