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what is the most expensive appliance to run?

The most expensive home appliance to run is typically the refrigerator. While refrigerators are a necessary appliance in any home, they can also be a major drain on energy resources.

According to, the average refrigerator uses approximately 615 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year. This means that a typical refrigerator can cost anywhere from 360 to £150 per year to run, depending on the cost of electricity in your area.

One of the reasons that refrigerators are so expensive to run is because they are always on. Unlike other appliances, which can be turned off when not in use, refrigerators need to be kept running 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in order to keep food fresh.

Another reason that refrigerators are so expensive to run is because they use a lot of electricity. In fact, refrigerators are one of the largest consumers of electricity in the average home, second only to air conditioners. This high energy usage is due to the fact that refrigerators need to maintain a constant temperature in order to keep food fresh.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the amount of money that you spend on running your refrigerator. One of the most effective ways is to make sure that your refrigerator is properly maintained and energy efficient. This means cleaning the coils on a regular basis, keeping the door seals tight, and making sure that the refrigerator is not placed in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

Another way to reduce the cost of running your refrigerator is to upgrade to a more energy-efficient model. Many newer refrigerators are Energy Star certified, which means that they have been independently tested and certified to meet strict energy efficiency standards. These refrigerators can save homeowners hundreds of dollars per year on their energy bills.

In conclusion, the most expensive home appliance to run is the refrigerator. While refrigerators are a necessary appliance in any home, their constant use and high energy usage can make them a major drain on energy resources. By properly maintaining your refrigerator and upgrading to a more energy-efficient model, you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your environmental impact.

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