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5 products to make your home more energy efficient

With rising energy costs, one of the ways to limit your energy spend is to improve the thermal efficiency of your home.

Energy efficiency in homes is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it can save homeowners money on their energy bills. By using less energy, homeowners can reduce their monthly expenses and potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Energy efficiency can also help to reduce the overall demand for energy, which can help to lower greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. In addition, energy efficient homes are often more comfortable to live in, as they are better at maintaining a consistent temperature and reducing drafts. Finally, energy efficiency can increase the value of a home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

What are the best products to insulate the home?

Here is our list of 5 products that might help to make your home that little bit more energy efficient - all under £50!

Door and Window Draught Tape - Cracks and gaps around windows and doors can cause drafts to come into your house, leading to high costs of temperature control.

Door Draught Excluder - Effectively prevent wind, dust, noise, various insects, light and polluted air coming in from your door bottom

Thermo Cover Window Insulating Film - A valuable contribution to energy efficiency: insulating with this transparent window insulation can save up to 8% energy used

Radiator Reflective Foil - Insulation foil easily reflects 95% of the heat back to the room instead of heating the wall behind the radiator

DIY Loft Insulation Rolls - According to the Energy Saving Trust in an uninsulated home: 25% heat loss through uninsulated loft

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