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Many UK businesses aren’t aware of the energy savings available to them, or that they are being over-charged!

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Why should I switch energy supplier?

Reject offers from your current supplier!

Business energy contracts operate differently to residential energy contracts as suppliers can impose far more onerous terms and conditions which are not covered by consumer protection legislation.

One major difference compared to many other utility services (such as telephone contracts) is that you will never lose your energy supply if you terminate a contract. Instead, if you  don't have a new contract in place in time you will simply  be placed onto "out of contract" rates. These are much  higher and should be avoided but you'll never be without  a supply of gas or electricity. 

No matter how attractive your new offer may appear, renewal rates are always less competitive than new contract rates available on the open market. Always terminate your contract immediately and search for competitive rates 

How does it work?

Our partner, Blizzard, goes out to market, on your behalf, negotiating directly with over 25 UK energy suppliers for the most competitive tariffs available. 

This service is FREE! Even if you are currently tied into a contract, we can arrange future contracts with a suitable supplier whilst market prices are favourable, protecting you against future price increases. 

what we need

All that we require to run your FREE, no obligation business energy analysis is a complete copy of your recent electricity and/or gas bill. 

What's the process?

Short of time? Blizzard takes of everything for you. We'll hunt the market for the best prices and send you our recommendation. We'll handle everything from quote to contract, right through to registration and renewal, keeping you informed throughout. 

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